Before you pay someone to create a website, do this!

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One of the key components of establishing this presence is having a well-designed and SEO-friendly website. However, not all website builders deliver on their promises, leaving business owners frustrated and out of pocket. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to test website builders to ensure your investment pays off, along with valuable tips, tricks, and advice to help you make the right choice.

1. Check Their Own Website:

Start by evaluating the website builder's own website. Look for key SEO indicators such as page loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and meta tags. Test to assess their website's performance. Additionally, examine their site's design, navigation, and user experience to gauge their expertise and attention to detail.

2. Review Their Portfolio:

Next, review the website builder's portfolio to see examples of their previous work. Pay attention to the diversity of industries they've worked with and the quality of their designs. Look for websites that align with your aesthetic preferences and functional requirements. Don't hesitate to reach out to past clients for testimonials and feedback on their experience working with the builder.

3. Evaluate SEO Strategies:

Dive deeper into the website builder's SEO strategies and techniques. Analyze their approach to keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. Check for relevant content, meta descriptions, and alt tags on their website. Use SEO analysis tools like SEMrush or Moz to assess their website's backlink profile, domain authority, and organic search visibility. A strong SEO foundation is essential for driving organic traffic and improving search engine rankings.

4. Consider Customization Options:

Assess the level of customization options offered by the website builder. Look for platforms that allow you to personalize your website's design, layout, and functionality to suit your unique business needs. Evaluate the availability of templates, plugins, and integrations that enhance your website's capabilities. Ensure the builder provides adequate support and resources for implementing custom features and addressing technical issues.

5. Test Customer Support:

Finally, test the website builder's customer support services. Reach out to their support team via email, live chat, or phone to ask questions and seek assistance. Evaluate their response time, professionalism, and effectiveness in resolving your queries or concerns. Reliable customer support is essential for troubleshooting technical issues, implementing updates, and maintaining your website's performance over time.

Remember, you want a website that’ll perform well on Google! Many can create a great looking website, but a great looking website does very little when the proper steps haven’t been taken to ensure it gets seen (like SEO strategies in place).

In conclusion, testing website builders is crucial for ensuring your investment yields positive results. By evaluating key factors such as performance, portfolio, SEO strategies, customization options, and customer support, you can make an informed decision and choose the right builder for your business needs. Remember to prioritize quality, functionality, and long-term value when selecting a website builder. If you need assistance or guidance in this process, AdaptExec is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our website building and support services tailored to your business goals.


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